Moms Unhinged Standup Comedy Show
“This show was definitely a Comedic Masterpiece!!! What talent! My face is still hurting from non-stop laughing! Thanks for a wonderful evening!! – Nancy
“You rocked it – that was such a fabulous show. Can’t wait for the next one!” – Sylvia
“I haven’t laughed that much in a long time!” – Kelly
Join “Moms Unhinged Standup Comedy Show” for a night of laughter as they explore everything from motherhood, midlife crisis, marriage, divorce, online dating and other things that irritate them. Men are welcome to the show, too.
“Moms Unhinged Standup Comedy Show” has been selling out shows all over the country and is coming to Saratoga Springs for a special performance! They do clean-(ish) comedy and is a fun night out with your girlfriends, drinking club (I mean book club), neighborhood group or your own mom.
Performing: Andrea Marie, Kristina Hall and special headliner Nancy Norton
Nancy Norton is the winner of both the Boston Comedy Festival (first woman to ever win it) and The Seattle International Comedy Competition and she has a Dry Bar Comedy special!
Adult themes and language – 21+