KICK OFF the Summer Party on June 21

Join us for our first ever UPH event in Schuylerville!
Thursday, June 21, 5-9 pm, UPH will KICK Off The Summer with a party at Clark’s Steakhouse at the Schuylerville. Come hang out at the cool Tiki Bar and enjoy the sounds of live music by KICK – all on the shores of the beautiful Hudson River.
June 21 is the longest night of the year; what a way to celebrate by enjoying good food with great friends for a cause! The wonderful folks at Clark’s are donating 10% of beverages and special food menu sales to UPH’s restoration!
We have wonderful raffle prizes and will draw a winner every hour. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20.
No cover charge and plenty of parking.
See you there!