Multi-talented Erin Harkes is bringing the laughs to UPH

Comedian celebrates YouTube special at “Women Aren’t Funny” event
SARATOGA SPRINGS—Erin Harkes is like most people. All she wants is to be happy doing what she loves.
“I don’t believe that you have to live in a major city to be successful [in comedy] these days. And my goal is to prove that!” she said.
Join the funny musician as she celebrates the release of her first YouTube special (and second album) at a very special comedy concert, 7:30 Wednesday, Dec. 6, at Universal Preservation Hall’s Great Hall in Saratoga Springs.
The talented creative will be the star of her monthly series “Women Aren’t Funny!”
She has been opening for female comedians but this month she will take the spotlight as she shows clips from her special and then performs an entirely new set of material.
“I’m always honored to have to opportunity to host/produce a comedy show in the Capital Region,” Harkes said.
The monthly series “Women Aren’t Funny” will continue Wednesday, January 3, 2024. Follow Universal Preservation Hall for the announcement of the featured headliner!
“I was excited that they let me make it an all-female show because women have a notoriously difficult time getting booked.”
“It’s unfortunate that we have to make it some sort of novelty because when you have a show with all men it’s just considered ‘a comedy show,’” she said.
Harkes, born in New Jersey, considers Upstate New York her home and has lived in the area for over 20 years.
“I have no desire to be truly famous; just slightly more successful with comedy while staying where I love!”
A regular feature at Funny Bone Comedy Clubs, Harkes hopes the release of her YouTube special, and corresponding album, will help lead to the launch of her own comedy tour.
Often voted “Best Local Comedian” by the Times Union Reader’s Poll, Harkes is the first local comedian to release a YouTube special. She hopes to prove that you don’t have to live in a major city like Los Angeles or New York City to be successful in the comedy world.
“No one in the area has really done anything like this before. Maybe it’ll help build a better comedy here,” she said.
Tickets are available through the Box Office at Proctors in-person, via phone at (518) 346-6204 Monday-Saturday 10 a.m.-6 p.m. or online.
UPH is a part of Proctors Collaborative.