2018 in Review

Dear Readers,
2018 was amazing for Universal Preservation Hall ; many big changes have happened as we move towards our final stretch.
I ventured into the world of blogging; the Teddy Talks blog was introduced as a way to keep you informed about all things UPH including people stories, programming updates, renovation and progress photos.
Thanks to people like you our readership is growing!
So, as we turn the calendar to 2019, I just want to say:
Thank you for reading my blog. We love your suggestions for future posts!
Thank you for taking the time to explore the UPH website to learn more about our upcoming events and construction progress.
Thank you for for showing you believe in UPH and our vision of the future through your financial support. We are deeply grateful! If you haven’t yet made a contribution and would like to do so, it’s easy. All you have to do is click this link.
Warmest wishes to you and your families for a happy and healthy 2019!
The best is yet to come,